Too much。too dangerous
Just try to Quit...... or ......stop for a while。
stay for a while
wait for a while
observe silence for a while
take a deep breathing for a while
keep moving forward with smile
  16k圖畫紙的依舊空白。是因為 她不夠勇氣。拿起畫筆。架出輪廓。
姿意的塗上色彩 但一當她提起畫筆。筆下一定是最美的最美的。畫作
Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough 每每副歌唱著
there's a danger in loving somebody too much there's a danger in loving somebody too much。令人怯步的不安

so just

stay for a while
wait for a while
observe silence for a while
take a deep breathe for a while。brave。keep moving forward with smile
......stop for a while。


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